Cyberpunk Challenge: Dystopian Office Env. 3

Making Of / 19 March 2020

Now that the base environment is more or less finalized, this week has been a lot of extras and atmosphere. The first think I did was modify the rooms walls to add a large window along one wall. Once that was done I created a simple set of buildings and neon signs to give it that classic cyberpunk style. I also added a red tinted light shining into the office to match with the opposing neon sign and yes, that monitor is on fire.

With the new outside environment came a whole new set of challenges and opportunities. I decided to make the outside very rainy and dreary both because I think it really lends to the theme and the atmosphere, but also because it lets me get away with not making the building outside quite as detailed. I used exponential height fog with a high enough draw distance that it wouldn't show up inside the office and a running water effect on the window glass to give the impression of rain with some background rain sounds for good measure.

Here's a better shot of the surrounding environment so far with the fog turned off:

Here it is with the fog turned on:

For the foreseeable near future I'm going to be focusing on adding decals and some set dressing to the office to make it seem less samey, as well as adding more to the buildings outside and the walls inside the office to make them not quite so empty.

Here's one last shot looking into the office that shows off the red light from the sign a lot better: